The Surf Car

The surfcar is the result of the evolution of our lives, a life in which we spent eleven months of the year, or more, stressed out between studies and jobs that barely gave us time to disconnect a little on vacation. But during those few summer weeks we enjoyed everything that we liked the most and with which we grew up: our friends, the sun and the sea. Sometimes we even drove our uncle’s old car and escaped to other more distant beaches and some of us even dared to catch some waves with an old board that was kept in the garage.

It can be said that we were not doing badly, but we felt that life was slipping through our fingers, dragged from one place to another by the clock, swallowing the days without being able to savor them, following a lifestyle that did not fill us, which was not ours. One day the idea of turning our lives inside out like a sock came to our minds, an idea of doing something that would really fulfill and inspire us which would show to the world who we were. We had always been interested on clothing and fashion, since our grandmother knitted sweaters for us, made her own dresses and some shirts for our grandfather. We thought about recovering that family heritage but adapted to the way we see life, our style and our personality. Our grandmother used to say that life is a path from which we sometimes strive to deviate, but the people you meet and the opportunities that arise lead you back, as if you were on a wave. If my grandmother had been English she would have said: “Life is a wave. Catch it!“

The rest is history.